The Thames Path as a cycle route from the Tower to Greenwich
If you would like to do an assessment of the Thames Path as a cycle route, please retain your impartiality by doing the assessment before reading the post or watching the video. List of 18 London cycling posts and videos.
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Having enjoyed cycling beside the river between Tower Bridge and Greenwich for many years I was surprised to discover that about half of it isn’t a cycle route. It’s the Thames Path – which was planned for pedestrians. A riverside route for cyclists and pedestrians would be a great amenity for East London – and a support for the area’s economic regeneration. Some rights of way would have to be negotiated but little capital expenditure would be required. The two groups share a path in many parts of London with more users than the Surrey Docks. This video follows the route East from the Tower. My main comment on the trip from Tower Bridge is that the route could, should and will be a riverside cycle path designed for leisure use.