Landscape Institute 2021 Elections – please vote for President, Vice President and LI Council Members
I’m really pleased that the UK Landscape Institute has arranged for each of the 2021 election candidates to record a manifesto, as a video. See links to election manifesto videos on the LI website.
It’s not so long since the only requirement was a CV with details of service on committees and notes on education and the candidate’s employment record. A manifesto, to quote the OED, is ‘a public declaration… or justification of policy’ issued by a candidate or an official. This is good. As set out on the Wikipedia entry for the Landscape Institute, it was set up in 1929, to promote landscape architecture. Clause 2 of its Constitution stated that ‘The Institute shall be formed to promote the study and general advancement of the Art of Landscape Architecture in all its branches, and to serve as a medium of friendly intercourse between the members and others practising or interested in the Art’. So it’s great that we can meet the candidates online and hear what they’ll do to promote the profession.
My hope is that with this new engagement, the turnout at Landscape Institute elections will rise above the present figure of 19%. Discussion raises enthusiasm and the candidates make good points about what more the Landscape Institute could do for members, for the profession and for society in their manifestos.

Also see the debates between Past President Merrick Denton-Thompson and Past Vice President Brodie McAllister in the videos on this YouTube Playlist. Or you can watch the full 46 minute video, below. Brodie is standing for President Elect in the 2021 election.