London cycleway network planning: 18 videos and blog posts

Please give Amazon-style *Ratings for: A2, A200, CS3 Cable St, CS3 Embankment, Quietway Q1, Thames Path, Sustrans NCN1, Sustrans NCN4, Sustrans NCN13. The themes of these videos are (1) planning for London cycling has been terrible, with the exception of the post-2015 cycle superhighways (2) there is a distinction between planning for cycle commuters and planning for recreational cycling (3) the Quietway programme, like the LCN network, is a failed compromise (4) cycleway planning should be integrated with the urban landscape architecture of roads, streets, parks and greenways (5) all London cycle routes should be subject to survey, assessment, analysis and design.
- Cycle planning in East Central London A cycle network for East Central London: planning, design and landscape architecture of cycling infrastructure facilities. Managing such facilities will be difficult, which is why the council is looking to many a resource to consider for how to keep on top of such workloads this will generate.
- London’s best and worst cycling conditions The landscape architecture of cycling and cycle planning A snapshot of the best and worst cycle routes, lanes and paths through London’s landscape architecture.
- London’s busiest cycle route: the Cable Street section of CS3 The Canary Wharf to Tower Hill section of Cycle Superhighway CS3 is the busiest cycle route in the UK. It needs better planning a design competition and a redesign
- London’s only super Cycle Superhighway: CS3 Embankment section London has one super Cycle Superhighway, the Embankment section of CS3. The landscape architecture is great, but air pollution and traffic noise make it a 4-star instead of a 5-star cycling route,
- Sustrans National Cycle Network Route 1 NCN1 on the Isle of Dogs National Cycle Network Route 1 was planned by Sustrans for leisure cycling. Review of the section of NCN1 on the Isle of Dogs. It is not suited to commuting by bike.
- Cycle infrastructure assessment methods Assessment methods for London cycle infrastructure: CROW, CLoS Cycling Level of Service, SCRAM, Simplified Cycle Route Assessment Method for cycleways, bike paths, bike lanes, cycle routes etc
- London cycle route maps and mapping Cycle mapping in London is chaotic but the OpenCycleMap, using OpenStreetMap data, is better than the cycling maps by TfL and Sustrans – and better than the cycling strategy maps in the London Borough plans
- Great cycling in the Royal Parks and by the River Thames The best cycle loop for a trip to see the landscape architecture of Central London goes through the Royal Parks and along the Thames between Westminster and the Tower of London
- Q1 Review of Quietway 1 cycle route Quietway 1 in SE London goes from Waterloo to Greenwich. Q1 is a compromise between planning for leisure and planning for commuter cycling. It falls between two stools.
- Brunel Bike Bridge: Rotherhithe or Deptford? The Brunel Bike Bridge was approved by the Mayor of London in 2016. It will be a great cycle facility for East London. But if it was moved 1500m downstream, from Rotherhithe to Deptford, it would be a much more significant component of London’s cycling network
- Sustrans National Cycle Network Route NCN4 from Greenwich to Southwark National Cycle Network Route 4. Review of the section of NCN4 from Greenwich to Southwark. It was planned for leisure cycling trips and serves as a feeder route for some cycle commuting.
- National Cycle Network Route NCN13, from the Tower to Limehouse . NCN13 is the bike route from Tower Bridge to Limehouse. It should have been designed as a bike path – for cycling as well as pedestrian use.
- The A2 as a bus-bike lane from Blackheath into London Cycling on the A2 in London, using the Bus Bike Lane for a trip from Blackheath to the Elephant and Castle
- The A200 will be Cycle Superhighway CS4 instead of LCN183 The A200 is the route of LCN183 and is set to become Cycle Superhighway CS4. This video reviews its character in 2016.
- Thames Cycle Path from the Tower to Greenwich Less than half of the Thames Path between Tower Bridge and Greenwich is a designated route for leisure cycling.
- TfL Olympic Cycle Route on the Isle of Dogs Transport for London TfL planned a cycle route on the Isle of Dogs to take cyclists to the 21012 Olympic Games. It’s a disgrace, with no segregated facilities, no cycle path and no useful cycle lane.
- The proposed Isle of Dogs Cycle Superhighway A cycle path of superhighway standard is proposed for the west bank of the Isle of Dogs in London. It would link the Greenwich Foot Tunnel to Canary Wharf, CS3, the City and Westminster. Approximately 97% of the land is paved and has public access. See also:
- Southwark Borough Council’s wicked cycling policy Southwark’s policy was to remove cycle lanes and use cyclists to slow up HGVs