New biography of John Claudius Loudon and Claudius Buchanan
Grandpa of Landscape Architecture
The Claudians is available for pre-order and will be published on 1st December 2024, on Amazon Kindle. Before this date you can buy it for £2.99 – a 25% discount on the published price. Or if you would like to write a review (for Amazon or elsewhere) you can use the Contact Form to request a free review copy.
Buy the book on Amazon Kindle
See a video on The Grandfather of Landscape Architecture: J.C.Loudon
Listen to the City as Landscape podcast on Spotify
Consult the Claudians Companion Pages for factual information
Contact to request a (free) review copy [email protected]

Written as a novel, The Claudians tells the story of the man who:
- Transmitted the term ‘landscape architecture’ to Andrew Jackson Downing, to Frederick Law Olmsted and to IFLA
- Was a cousin of the famous missionary, Claudius Buchanan
- Invented the glazing system that made the Crystal Palace possible and led to the glass and steel buildings of the 20th century
- Designed ‘the most magnificent ferme ornée in England’ at Great Tew
- Wrote and published 50 million words – more than any man who lived before him
- Invented the idea of using exotic plants in naturalistic compositions. His name for this style was ‘gardenesque’
- Designed Britain’s oldest municipal park: the Derby Arboretum
- Invented the idea of planning cities with greenbelts, greenways, and integrated transport systems
- Married a pioneer of sci-fi writing (Jane Wells Loudon) who was a visionary of future city planning
- Was the most famous garden writer of the 19th century