Flood prevention
See also: blog posts on flood prevention
The saying that ‘prevention is better than cure’ is attributed to De Legibus (c. 1240). It applies to floods and to disease. Yet some are avoidable and others unavoidable. ‘Smoking kills’. Building drains to protect one place from flooding will accentuate flooding somewhere else. However sometimes the water is too much and it can still cause damage to many areas. In these cases, a twin lakes water damage restoration company or similar, depending on the location, can help to restore an area after exposure to flooding. But a prevention is always priority here.
Instead of running water into drains we should design landscapes to help it seep into topsoils, subsoils and aquifers as near to where it falls as possible. Detention, infiltration and evapo-transpiration are better than drainage. Drainage engineers should work with landscape architects to design sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and to plan water-sensitive design on a city-wide basis.