Garden balconies planning & design

Garden balconies are better than ‘architectural’ balconies

Balconies have a history of over 3000 years and many wonderful examples survive. But most modern balconies are awful: too small, too scary, too public, too barren, too little loved. You can call them ‘architectural’ balconies because their main role, apparently, is to ornament the facades of boring buildings. As noted (in below discussion between Tom Turner and Robert Holden) most architects treat balconies like the chromium strips on 1960s cars.

Well planned and designed balconies are:

  • more sustainable and more climate friendly
  • better for the mental and physical health of their owners
  • better for biodiversity
  • more beautiful

So what are the best design and planting ideas for balconies (see Chelsea video, below)

  1. Lush planting 
  2. Pergolas with climbing plants
  3. Murals
  4. Soft furnishings
  5. Well-chosen patio tables and chairs
  6. Plants growing between paving stones
  7. Small trees in big tubs
  8. Storage boxes topped with outdoor cushions to make seats
  9. Planting boxes on railings
  10. And a feature I’d like to have seen more of: green living walls planted with flowers and kitchen herbs.

Four videos about planning and design ideas for garden balconies

Tom Turner and Robert Holden chat about balconies in Central London

Garden balconies are better than ‘architectural’ balconies

Christopher Alexander’s principles for the balconies

Garden balconies at the 2021

Chelsea Flower Show design ideas for garden balconies