Wonder tale about the Landscape Institute LI

Fairy tale about the UK Landscape Institute LI

Once upon a time the Board of Trustees of the Landscape Institute decided that next President, who was chosen by the members in a free and open election, was  a big baddie. So, after thinking hard for a few minutes, they decided to try and rid themselves of the young prince. When the first attempt crashed in flames, they had a second attempt. This time they decided to spend all the money received from the landscape practices in a year on a firm of big city lawyers. He made the President Elect very unhappy. But even with loadsamoney they didn’t have a meeting with him. Nor did they a regulation which let them rid themselves of the troublesome fella. So the introduced a new regulation and did the deed.

See also: Why six LI past presidents protested against the removal of the Landscape Institute President Elect in 2022